Friday, February 18, 2011

Back again

It's been almost 2 years since I have posted anything on this blog. For those who have just read my previous post, I would wait for the laughter to subside. I keep on making a mockery of myself :P. I am glad that at least I am still sticking to my decision to blog. I find it a little tough to write and to write something that looks like a nice read to me takes quite long. Another thing that dissuades me from writing, is the question that comes to my mind every time I decide to write, "what am I going to write about and is it worth writing?" One fine day I came across a blog by Mark Kennedy. Mark Kennedy is a story artist at Walt Disney Studios and has worked as head of story in Disney's film Tangled (2010). In his blog he writes about animation, storyboarding, visual design and everything that he is passionate about and that is worth writing about. I think I should do the same too. So to begin with I spent a day on cosmetic makeover of this blog. I hope I'll continue blogging this time at least more frequently than one post in a year or two.